Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Picking Of Nits Shall Commence

The headline in today WSJ called T Wall's accusations that RoJo and his campaign bought the GOP endorsement, "Unfounded."

Wall accused Johnson of buying votes at the Republican convention in May. He
also accused the Republican Party of stealing votes from him and delaying the
vote for senator by a day, to give Johnson an advantage.

"A handful of people came in and spread money around, from the guy who called me after the convention and said his hotel room was paid for by Johnson's people ... to the guy who ... admitted to taking votes from me and putting them in his pocket," Wall said, during the interview. "I've got over a hundred stories like that."

I think the headline writer meant, "Unconfirmed." After all the internal GOP investigation into Johnson's actions hasn't even commenced yet. I'm sure the CRG goofballs will be filing an ORR for the payment book at the convention hotel soon.

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