Friday, November 30, 2007
A shopping cart chained to a signpost with a Krytonite U-Bolt lock.
Somebody must really like that cart
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Constitutional Law Explained (Sec MMCCIV)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I Felt Your Pain
I couldn't belive the throng and the wait. I went to the lumber yard and there was another customer there. During deer season! I'll bet I had to wait nearly 20 seconds to check out.
I was so shaken I had to stop at the Night Owl for a cold Newcastle.
As the ivory hunter, Mr Kurtz, once said,"The horror. The horror."
Friday, November 23, 2007
What's The Difference?
What's the difference between Jennifer Morales proposing to grant full benefit packages to all domestic partners of MPS employees (which seems to be sparking a snit in some corners) and Bill Kramer voting to give his personal domestic partner of the moment her very own personal raise?
Historic Gas Stations?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Passing On A Request
We need all blood types this holiday week but we have a special need for blood for premature babies.
If you are:
Type AB +
Type AB -
Have not taken aspirin within the last 48 hours of donation
Please make an effort to donate this week or next week.
Your blood donation could save the life of a young patient and make their family very appreciative of your gift.
Thank you and we appreciate the OAW clubs that are sponsoring blood drives.
Um. No.
Yes, I know it's difficult. Yes, I know it's a hardship. It's one of the things you give up when you go to prison.
Where It Is Due

Maybe, Just Maybe
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Wisconsin State Journal Hires Sherlock Holmes
Cable bill may not be boon to consumersOh, wait. You say someone did but the paper kept their yap shut while AT&T wrote, bought and paid for the bill.
Supporters of a statewide cable competition bill, includingAnd yet, they see falling readership. I wonder why that is?
telecommunications giant AT&T, have been saying for more than a year that
the measure will offer Wisconsin consumers more television choices and lower
But when competition will actually arrive in the Madison area -- or
your neighborhood -- is anyone 's guess.
AT&T and other companies aren 't saying if or when they would start competing for TV customers in the Madison area with cable giant Charter Communications, if the bill is signed by Gov. Jim Doyle next month as expected.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I Can Second That
Enjoy A Safe Hunting Season!
This weekend I will join the many sportsmen & sportswomen across Wisconsin in opening weekend of gun deer hunting season. Starting this Saturday, November 17, the 9 day hunting season is something that I and numerous other hunters look forward to every year, and this year is no exception with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) estimating between 1.6 million and 1.8 million deer available for the hunt. Excitement and precision await Wisconsin’s hunters as we continue this great tradition.
Even non-hunters in Wisconsin benefit from the season. Every year Wisconsin businesses enjoy a $1 billion dollar economic boost from the season including a $535 million boost in retail activity.
But this tradition comes with responsibility, as a safety-first approach is extremely important. The Wisconsin DNR provides useful hunting tips for safety including the TAB-K abbreviation:
T = Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.
A = Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
B = Be certain of your target and what’s beyond it.
K = Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.
For additional information regarding the hunting season including Regulations, Earn-a-Buck Info, Tag information, Deer Density Maps, and the 2007 deer hunting regulations can be found at
Friday, November 16, 2007
And I Know Who The MC Will Be
Have you got the holiday doldrums? Has the spirit of Christmas not hit you yet?
Well then it is time to get out of the house and come see our holiday show. We will be featuring several people from the community that enjoy singing, laughing, and entertaining.
We will also be featuring our aspiring chef Tyler Franklin as he makes appetizers for the show on Friday (December 7th @ 6:30 p.m.) and Saturday December 8th @ 6:30 p.m.) Tyler will also be using his culinary skills in preparing desserts for the (December 9th at 2:00 p.m.)
We plan to make this an annual event and fundraiser to help encourage others to come and share their gifts and talents. The tickets to the show which will be held at the Masonic Temple on Main Street are $15.00.
Tickets can be purchased by contacting Tom Beaver or Melissa Schnepper.
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!!
Tom Beaver 295-1483
Melissa Schnepper 882-4523
The Gazette Has the Schedule For The Celebration On The Bricks
3 p.m. Ribbon cutting and cake, sponsored by city of Evansville
3 p.m. Evansville Community School District’s marching band
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Treats and historical tour at Eager Free Public Library
4 to 7 p.m. Carriage rides, sponsored by Evansville Chamber of Commerce
4:30 p.m. Third- and fourth-grade drum and xylophone ensemble at Eager Building
6 p.m. Kris Adams performs Indie, folk and folk rock at Real Coffee, sponsored by Evansville Community Partnership
10 a.m. to noon Santa arrives on fire truck at Grange Mall, sponsored by Chamber of Commerce
10 a.m. Kids’ activities at the old Dollar Land, 26 W. Main St.
1 p.m. Band “Undercover” performs at the Eager Building. Part of East Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic to allow people to carryout beer or wine from local businesses to visit other businesses and to listen to bands. Sponsored by Evansville Community Partnership.
2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. School choir carols along Main Street and at local businesses.
4 p.m. to 7 p.m. “The Blue Olives” perform at the Eager Building, sponsored by Evansville Community Partnership.
7 p.m. East Main Street reopens to vehicle traffic.
8 p.m. at La Trattoria, 1 W. Main Street, band “Saboroso” playing scola de samba or School of Samba.
Don't You Wish That This Was A Surprise?
Who does he think he is, Alberto Gonzales?
Fred has the indictment.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Memo From City Administrator To Council re: North Prairie Productions Project Suspension
To: Common Council
From: Dan Wietecha, City Administrator
Re: Effect of NPP Suspension
In spring 2007, City bonds and loans were issued totaling $4,065,000 to support biodiesel and associated infrastructure improvements. Approximately $1,710,000 of this is improvements benefiting neighboring properties and will be assessed accordingly; much of this property is not currently in the city so the assessments will be deferred until future annexation and/or development. Net result is $2,355,000 to directly support biodiesel; the full amount of which is expected to be financed through TIF and state grants.
The TIF assistance is scheduled to be paid during construction rather than all up front. The City has limited expenditures for the biodiesel facility to the following amounts:
$330,000 County Road M improvements specifically benefiting NPP site.
$ 80,000 Electric service and transformer for NPP site.
$ 60,000 Legal, engineering, and fiscal costs for development agreement.
$470,000 TOTAL approximate expenditures to date.
All costs are TIF eligible, meaning the collection of future tax increments may be used to satisfy any debts associated with the costs. This assumes that the project proceeds and will generate increment.
The Development Agreement requires construction of the biodiesel facility by January 1, 2009, and the TIF projections are based on this date.The Development Agreement also contains a guarantee that in any year that an insufficient amount of increment is generated (including the possibility of no increment), then NPP will pay the shortfall.So between the TIF and the guarantee, the City’s expenditures are contractually covered. As long as NPP meets it guarantee, the City will not need to levy taxes against other residents and businesses to service the TIF debt supporting the project.
The City has received $250,000 in CDBG-PFED and TEA grants from the state. These require construction of the biodiesel facility and creation of 25 jobs by December 31, 2008. The state may require repayment or penalties for not creating 25 jobs; any required repayment or penalty is passed on to NPP in the Development Agreement. The City has not taken any of the grant money and has notified the Department of Commerce that it does not intend to draw funds with the project on hold. If the project does not proceed, this may cause a $250,000 cash flow problem for the City in spring 2008; this may reduce the amount of TIF provided as a development incentive to NPP.
Additional safeguards:
The TIF projections are conservatively based on $10 million in taxable equalized value; whereas, actual value after construction will more likely run $14-16 million. This means that (when completed) the facility should generate roughly 40-60% more increment than needed to make the projections.3
The $2.3 million in TIF depends on revenues projected through 2027. A delay does not lengthen the end date; it simply reduces the time frame for collecting revenues. The longer the delay, the less TIF support for the project.
The $330,000 in County Road M improvements may be levied as a special assessment against the NPP property. This would provide an additional degree of protection for the City in the event the delay is lengthy, the project folded altogether, or it were impossible to collect on the guarantee that NPP cover any shortfall in the anticipated increment.Development Agreement requires NPP to cover any repayment or penalties that may be imposed under the two state grants.
Development Agreement requires Landmark to pay taxes to Town of Union over next five years (total $36,000) if not covered by TIF.
Next Steps:
City meeting with representatives of North Prairie Productions and Landmark Service Cooperative anticipated within the next week to review Development Agreement and obligations therein.
Negotiate project extension for state grants beyond December 31, 2008.
Run TIF projections based on delay; consider revisions to Development Agreement to ensure progress of project without jeopardizing the City.
Consider impacts of additional development (crushing facility) on TID #7.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
You Can Tell Me It's Not Disguting. I Won't Believe You

Pizza Hut Japan's exclusive Double Roll pie is 646 calories per slice, with
little bacon wrapped sausages littered across the crust, and mini hamburger
patties on top of the mushrooms, soy beans, corn, paprika, garlic chips, green
peppers, and pepperoni. As for cheese, it has mozzarella, cheddar and
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tell Your Kids and Grandkids
State Park Sticker Design Contest:
State Park and Forest vehicle admission stickers are designed by high school students chosen in a statewide contest. Entries are now being accepted for the 2009 Vehicle Admission Sticker Design Contest.
The entry deadline is March 31, 2008.The design contest, sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, is open to all high school age students attending public, private, or parochial schools in Wisconsin. The design must be the artist's own original creation and not copied or duplicated from previously published art, including photographs. For more information, ask Sabrina Tolley, (608) 266-2181.
Weekend Leftovers
The name of our state is not Wescahnsin. The name of our neighboring state is not Ellehnoy. In both cases, however, you pronounced "upset" perfectly.
Dear "You Know Who"
In the words of someone you inexplicably respect; You're offended? So what? Get over it.
Thank you
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Discussion Is Hardly New
In discussing the community standards it might be well to mention the fact that even though Evansville has had a fairly large class of intoxicating liquor users, the saloon has always been voted down. This fact proves that even the “drinking public” has been willing to maintain the high community standard even at its own expense.
The City Dance Hall Inspector, who assumes his duties at all public dances, is another agency existing to maintain ethical control. The WCTU, as in all cities, is active in accomplishing its purposes while the local newspaper, through its editorial columns, attempts to control the community according to good ethical principles.
-Wm B Antes 1927
Friday, November 09, 2007
The League of Women Voters of Beloit Studies Immigration Issues
League members will be presenting information outlined by the national League of Women Voters.
The main areas of study are the current U. S. immigration policy and enforcement, reasons people immigrate, the economic impact that immigration has on the U.S., and the cultural diversity that immigration brings.
The meeting is open to the public.
The Wizard Gets His Due

Zenda’s Harry “Buddy” Melges Jr., a two-time Olympic medal winner in
sailing, is one of six sports figures who will be inducted into the Wisconsin
Athletic Hall of Fame tonight.Melges won an Olympic gold medal in 1972 and bronze in 1964. He was a
two-time Star world champion (1978, 1979), a three-time 5.5 Meter World Champion (1967, 1973, 1983), a five-time E-Scow National Champion (1965, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1983), a seven-time Skeeter Ice Boat World Champion (1955, 1957, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1980, 1981) and a three-time Yachtsman of the Year.To cap off his competitive career, he helped steer America3 to a successful defense of the America’s Cup in 1992.
A well-deserved honor for an innovator and Sportsman. The man could commit poetry at the helm of a Skeeter.
Others being inducted are Dick Bennett, Mike Webster, Cecil Cooper, Sen. Herb Kohl and sportsman Fred Miller.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Overture! Curtain! Lights!
The Wisconsin Court of Appeals is expected to issue a decision today on
former Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen 's bid to overturn his 2006 conviction for
misconduct in public office.
Jensen's defense of, "But, Mom. All the other kids were doing it," is not expected to hold much water.
Jensen, once one of the most powerful politicians in Wisconsin, was
convicted in March 2006 of three felonies and a misdemeanor for running an
illegal campaign machine using staff members from the Assembly Republican Caucus and his own Capitol office.
The Waukesha Republican was sentenced to 15 months in prison by
Dane County Circuit Judge Steven Ebert in May 2006. He has been free pending his appeal.
One of the most curious paragraphs ever mars the report, though.
Jensen is among nine lawmakers and staffers -- including former Democratic
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Chvala of Madison -- found guilty of charges
related to illegal campaigning in the Legislature. The scandal was uncovered by
the Wisconsin State Journal in a series of articles beginning in May 2001.
I doubt that Scooter was uncovered in the articles, if you know what I mean.
UPDATE: A technicality over jury instructions wins Scooter a new chance to drag all of the facts of his misdeeds through the Press as run-up for the Wisconsin Primary. Shall we start a pool on the date of the plea bargain?
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My Flight Was A Challenge Last Night
If you are travelin soon, consider Lutran (Lutheran) Air, da no-frills airline.
You're all in da same boat on Lutran Air, where flyin is a upliftin experience. Dere is no first class on any Lutran Air flight.
Meals are potluck.
Rows 1-6, bring rolls; 7-15, bring a salad; 16-21, a main dish, and 22-30, a dessert.
Basses and tenors please sit in da rear of da aircraft.
Everyone is responsible for his or her own baggage. All fares are by free will offering and da plane will not land 'til da budget is met.
Pay attention to your flight attendant, who will acquaint you wit da safety system aboard dis Lutran Air 599.
"Okay den, listen up. I'm only gonna say dis vonce. In da event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, I am frankly going to be real surprised and so vill Captain Olson, because we fly right around two tousand feet, so loss of cabin pressure would probably mean da Second Coming or someting of dat nature, and I wouldn't bodar with doze liddle masks on da rubber tubes. You're gonna have bigger tings to worry about den dat. Just stuff doze back up in dair little holes. Probably da masks fell out because of turbulence which, to be honest wit you, we're going to have quite a bit of at two tousand feet, sort a like driving across a plowed field, but after a while you get used to it.
"In da event of a water landing, I'd say forget it. Start saying da Lord's Prayer and just hope you get to da part about forgive us our sins as we forgive doze who sin against us, which some people say "trespass against us," which isn't right, but what can you do?
"Da use of cell phones on da plane is strictly forbidden, not because day may confuse da plane's navigation system, which is seat of da pants all da way. No, it's because cell phones are a pain in da wazoo, and if God meant you to use a cell phone, He would have put your mout on da side of your head.
"We start lunch right about Noon and it's buffet style with da coffee pot up front. Den we'll have da hymn sing; hymnals are in da seat pocket in front of you. Don't take yours wit you when you go or I am going to be real upset and I am not kiddin!
"Right now I'll say Grace: "Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let deze gifts to us be blessed. Fadar, Son, and Holy Ghost, may we land in Dulut or pretty close."
58,256 Remembrances
My first visit to the Wall was on Monday and I was not prepared for the enormity of the emotion that a stark wall can bring out. More than a list of brothers and sisters forever locked in time, the Wall is a presence in the Here and Now, a stark reminder of what we as a society are doing when we commit our soldiers to a cause.
The Reading of the Names will take place for 65 hours over a four-day
period, during which nearly 2,000 volunteers will read the over 58,000 names
inscribed on The Wall in the order they were taken from us. The first reader
will be Hank Cramer, whose father, Harry Griffith Cramer, died in South Vietnam
in 1957. When The Wall was first dedicated, the names listing began at 1959.
Cramer’s name was added later. It is the second name that will be read on
Nov. 7.
The four days of readings will open with a Nov. 7 ceremony at the Memorial beginning at 3:00 p.m. Gordon Mansfield, Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs, will be the keynote speaker.
Wednesday, Nov. 7 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Thursday, Nov. 8 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Friday, Nov. 9 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 10 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Okay. I'm Back.
What did I miss? Anything I should have posted on?
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Maybe I Was Wrong About Mark Bellowing
Will it ever end?
Taxes keep going up because the majority votes for
Yes, Mark. Majority still rules.
But, then again he thinks that Americans For Tax Reform is an influential group. maybe he does need to get around a little more. Maybe meet some new people. People who don't listen to his show.
Unfortunately For His Consitituents, He May Be Right
This is probably one of the better decisions I've made as a state
Lessons Learned
They were dragons. I should have seen the vestigal wings. I apologize for the "lizard" comments.
Kid, you should have realized that the fake fangs would make you say, "Frick or freef," at every door by the third house or so.
Do, Not. Give. Milk Duds. to a three-year-old.
Two words. Caramel drool.
We probably didn't need 300 DumDums.