Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Lazich Stone Wall Goes Up

James Wigderson has been documenting his frustrations in trying to get clarification from Senator Lazich's office regarding her position on the CRG-led recall of Governor Doyle.

Lazich aide Kevin Fischer called for the recall on his blog at FranklinNow. Since Senator Lazich is not bashful about spreading her message into Rock and Green County via press releases to The Monroe Times and The Evansville Review I was sure that a simple yes/no question would be answered with due speed.

I sent an email to Senator Lazich's office on Friday without expecting an immediate response. The Senator, after all, still has her job.

On Monday I received a response asking for my home address form another aide in Lazich's office, Tricia Sieg, asking for my home address. I replied promptly giving the requested information as well as explaining that I had seen the Senator's releases in my local paper and online and was curious as to her position.

That was two days ago and Tricia has not seen fit to respond to my request. James, on the other hand, has received a response from yet another Lazich aide (she has a bigger posse than Mariah Carey), Lance Burri saying, in effect that the Senator doesn't care what Fischer said even though he adds the weight of her office to the header of his blog and that the Senator hasn't made up her mind about supporting the recall.

In the time it took Ms Sieg to ask my address she could have sent the answer. In the time it took Burri to stonewall James he could have clarified the Senator's position. Why is Senator Lazich loathe to step up and answer the question directly? She's not been bashful about making her positions about the Governor's policies known. She wouldn't even be breaking new ground. Senator Kanavas, himself rumored to be looking at Doyle's seat, has called for the recall effort.

The Senator has time to blog and three aides to help answer her emails. How can she be too busy to answer a yes/no question from a Wisconsin citizen?


Anonymous said...

I've asked myself the same question every time I call/email her. I have yet to receive a response.

To their credit, however, all of my federal representatives (Feingold, Kohl, Ryan) have always answered my requests for information. Those state reprsentatives and senators must just be TOO busy.;)

Anonymous said...

Reasonable Progressive, did you e-mail or write a letter to the Feds?
I just wonder if you would get a better response if you wrote a letter than sending an e-mail.