Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Legislating Decorum And Morality Is Tougher Than It Looks

Less than a month after publishing a ban on bikinis, Kanab's City
Council is poised to modify the rule to permit the popular two-piece swimsuits
and Speedos at the city's soon-to-open public pool.

City Councilwoman Nina Laycook said Tuesday the bikini-Speedo
prohibition was unintentional and will be revised probably at their June 24
meeting to line up with other public pools in Utah.

[Informationally, the city's pool is called the Cowboy Water'n Hole] Laycook added:
"My recommendation is going to be no thongs or string bikinis," Laycook
said. The councilwoman said the original dress code - cribbed
from the southern Utah city's parks and recreation policy manual - was an

"We were so engrossed with safety and health issues we overlooked the
wording [about swimming attire]," she said. "We are addressing that now by
amending the policy."

Pause for a moment to consider the safety and health issues in which they may have been engrossed, as the good councilwoman says. Upon which bits did the discussion dwell? Was there a motion? Did a point of order pop up whilst considering the health and safety issues?
The rule also made headlines across the state and nation - attention Kanab
hasn't seen since 2006, when it adopted the so-called "natural-family
resolution" with its call for breadwinning husbands and homemaking wives to rear
a "full quiver of children."

Apparently the City Council of Kanab spends a larger share of their time on health and safety issues than one might have expected.

There's more but you can read for yourself. Go. Have fun.

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