Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wisconsin Literacy Facts

Literacy is the stream that flows through all the fields.
-- Barbara Tornholm

Wisconsin Facts

Approximately 1 million Wisconsin adults qualify for adult literacy and English language services (U. S. Census 2000 and NALS 1992). Only 50,000 (or approximately 5%) of adults in need of services are currently receiving them.

18.93 %, or 785,782, Wisconsin adults, age 17 and order are not enrolled in school and do not have a high school diploma.

7.3%, or 368,712, residents over the age of 5 speak a language other than English at home.
From 1990 to 2000, the Hispanic or Latino population in Wisconsin more than doubled (107% increase) (U.S. Census 2000).

Wisconsin has the worst graduation rate (50th out of 50 states) for African Americans (Center on Wisconsin Strategy 2002).

47% of adult females and adult males incarcerated in Wisconsin lack either a high school diploma or its equivalent. 49% read below the ninth grade level. 74% perform math below the ninth grade level (Wisconsin Department of Corrections 2006).

785,682 Wisconsin adults, age 16 and older, are not enrolled in school and do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent.

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