Thursday, October 12, 2006

Buried In The Comments- Local Stories Of Interest

There are a couple of things going on in Evansville that deserve wider play. Some discussion of these things has been going on in the comments to a couple of posts.

What is the progress on hiring a new City Administrator? The Review ran an ad asking for candidates this week, 100 or more dys after the position opened. The comments show us the focus of the search right now.

Some users of the new skate park struggled with boundaries and it's going to cost the City to fix the damage. Do you blame the park when you can't pinpoint the abusers? Check out the comments.

1 comment:

slammer said...

I do not understand when you say you cannot pinpoint the abusers. Obviously the abusers were skaters, this was reported to me by the aquatic director who approached them at the pool. The skate park was built for one particular group of people, skaters. If the skaters go and abuse their park and other parts of the park why reward them with new equipment?

If evansville put in a new baseball diamond complete with infield grass and nice lights with a fence in any location within the city if the players, coaches decided not to fix the mound on a daily basis, rake the battersbox, kick in, and destroy the dugout etc. and then later went back to the city to ask for a new scoreboard to make it the facility nicer then it would be borderline retarded to accomodate them.